Tag Archives: walking

Freeing Your Neck & Shoulders

2018 Feb 9-11 Weekend Seminar Introduction to both the Feldenkrais Method® and TOUCH TO INFORM Seminars. Our head follows our eyes. Our shoulder girdle, rib cage, pelvis and spine supports our head. Using neurological concepts from The Feldenkrais® Model, participants will develop skills that indirectly quiet excessive tension in the muscles of the neck and […]

The Art/Skill of Walking

Does anyone think they need to learn to walk?  Hmmm  Take a look at the video below! It might look simple and easy to do — but our habitual overall movement patterns limit our ability to feel all the details that Mark is sharing.  Enjoy the letting go of old patterns and discovering new ones […]


I recently came across the following article that seemed so connected to the TOUCH TO INFORM seminar I teach Moving from and Through your FEET where I say the foot is designed for stability and mobility..  http://www.lemsshoes.com/foot-talk  

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