through-your-feet-feb-26-2017 TOUCH TO INFORM Seminar in ST. Pete. Touch To Inform FEET are designed to support and yet move us. through-your-feet-feb-26-2017
Tag Archives: self-development
Moving from and through Your FEET
Touch To Inform Seminar Level II 6 CEs Feet are designed for Stability and Mobility. Feet affect Posture, while Posture affects FEET through-your-feet-feb-12-2017-b
Your Walking Engine – Discover your Diagonals
Get to know your Walking Engine! Moving your torso helps you sense how much power you can have behind your WALK. walking-engine-feb-2017-c
Your Walking Engine, Discover your Diagonals
Learn to use your torso when you walk and find more efficiency, lightness and ease.
Ben Gurion, Robert St. John, Moshe Feldenkrais, D. Sc.
There is a famous picture of Ben-Gurion, Prime Minister of Israel 1948-54 and 1955-63, standing on his head. Robert St. John in his Biography of Ben-Gurion, talks about the headstand on the beach as a visible result of his everyday appointments with Dr. Feldenkrais. Ben-Gurion’s wife called Feldenkrais Dr. Hocus Pocus (due to his non-traditional […]

Grace & Agility as we Age — made simple!
Self-Discovery supports memory
Does one remember better through memorization techniques or insight? The following study explores the above question, something Moshe Feldenkrais, D.Sc. believed to be true years ago as he observed children developing their patterns of action. He designed Awareness Through Movement lessons so you had to think your way through and discover new ‘insights’ to how […]
About educating children with special needs
“Every child’s future depends on learning. The brain shapes and structures itself constantly in response to it’s experiences. We want these experiences to provide the child’s brain with lots of new information that is positive and useful.” Anat Baniel The Anat Baniel Method® of neuromovement for Children with Special Needs is a result of Anat Baniels’ […]
Anat Baniel Method® for Children with Special Needs
Anat has created a workshop for Parents and their children with Special Needs to be held again in September 2016. View information and a video of testimonials