Tag Archives: neuroplasticity

Body Sense is Medicine

A revival from a 2010 Psychology article by Alan Fogel, Ph. D.,  Pyschology Professor University of Utah has recently recirculated reminding us of the importance of Body Sense.  Dr. Fogel, suggests that although cardiovascular health is important, we also need to honor the power of using our kinesthetic sense as we move and that perhaps this […]

Energy?  “the movement from possibility to actuality.”

What is energy?  “the movement from possibility to actuality.”               Dr. Dan Siegal Potential for using Feldenkrais’ process Interview 2018 during Feldenkrais week with Dr. Dan Siegal, Interpersonal Neurobiology and Donna Ray, Feldenkrais Practitioner/Trainer  about mind, consciousness, energy, awareness.  Dr. Dan Siegal suggests “dropping into the subjective experience of knowing, all […]

Breathing is Life, Life is Breathing

“Our breathing reflects every emotional or physical effort and every disturbance”– Moshe Feldenkrais, D.Sc Feldenkrais colleague writes:  Breathing is Life, Life is Breathing. Tyler James Wall describes how even though breathing is something we do everyday, HOW we breath is reflected in our everyday habits. Moshe Feldenkrais liked to disrupt habitual actions and habitual breathing patterns are […]

Ongoing Feldenkrais in St.Pete

Hip EXpressions 2018 Ongoing Awareness through Movement® lessons ( 6 week series) 10:00 am July 26 – August 30   at Hip Expressions,  2033 54th Street N, St Petersburg Using Feldenkrais’ specifically designed movement lessons performed with attention and intention,  participants discover how movement patterns can be unlearned and changed through sensing subtle shifts in […]

Moving from and Through your CORE

2018 Mar 9-11 Weekend Seminar TOUCH TO INFORM Seminar, taking a deeper look at how movement through your CORE, your skeleton, supports Balance – through Counter Balancing. 941.360.2248 Fee:  Full Weekend:  $340 minus 20%with early registration Saturday CORE Seminar:  $150 minus 10% early registration Intro Friday and CORE Seminar:  $190 minus 10% registration

Freeing Your Neck & Shoulders

2018 Feb 9-11 Weekend Seminar Introduction to both the Feldenkrais Method® and TOUCH TO INFORM Seminars. Our head follows our eyes. Our shoulder girdle, rib cage, pelvis and spine supports our head. Using neurological concepts from The Feldenkrais® Model, participants will develop skills that indirectly quiet excessive tension in the muscles of the neck and […]

Pain, the Central NS & Feldenkrais

Milton Cohen, a rheumatologist speaks of pain and how Feldenkrais ‘exploits’ neuro-plasticity.  He suggests we do not have a ‘hard wired Nervous System’.  Being ‘soft wired promotes the ability to learn and change.  He suggests that to best work with pain you want to move away from the problem and work with the whole person. […]

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