Healing Golf Injuries Using Full Equal Parts of Neuromuscular-Skeletal System When you work with an injured golfer, do you look at the injury alone or the person in the action? What is required for an optimal swing and might that be relevant for a long term solution? The golf swing begins with your legs and […]
Tag Archives: flexibility
ONLINE: Regain a Flexible Spine-2 hour TOUCH TO INFORM Intro
Regaining a Flexible Spine
Neuroplasticity–Norman Doidge interview Moshe Feldenkrais
Norman Doidge, MD, talks about Moshe Feldenkrais, D. Sc.
The above is the title of an article in the PGA Newsletter of March 15, 2018. The author, T.J. Auclair, makes it clear that Tiger is concentrating and practicing, and that he also has years of technical learning. Still – the idea that he is now focusing on ‘sensing SUBTLE differences and playing with the […]
Moving from and Through your CORE
2018 Mar 9-11 Weekend Seminar TOUCH TO INFORM Seminar, taking a deeper look at how movement through your CORE, your skeleton, supports Balance – through Counter Balancing. 941.360.2248 Fee: Full Weekend: $340 minus 20%with early registration Saturday CORE Seminar: $150 minus 10% early registration Intro Friday and CORE Seminar: $190 minus 10% registration
Moving from and through your FEET
2018 Feb 9-11 Weekend Seminar TOUCH TO INFORM SEMINAR — A previously attended full day Seminar is required. Call Bonnie at:941.360.2248 Learn how our FEET affect Posture — and yet how a change in Posture can affect our FEET Fee: $150 minus 10 % early registration Fee: Full Weekend: $340 minus 20% early registration
Freeing Your Neck & Shoulders
2018 Feb 9-11 Weekend Seminar Introduction to both the Feldenkrais Method® and TOUCH TO INFORM Seminars. Our head follows our eyes. Our shoulder girdle, rib cage, pelvis and spine supports our head. Using neurological concepts from The Feldenkrais® Model, participants will develop skills that indirectly quiet excessive tension in the muscles of the neck and […]
Moving from and through your FEET
through-your-feet-feb-26-2017 TOUCH TO INFORM Seminar in ST. Pete. Touch To Inform FEET are designed to support and yet move us. through-your-feet-feb-26-2017

Feldenkrais and Parkinson’s
Research is always ongoing and the benefits of the Feldenkrais Method is often elusive. With that, in this study, many Parkinsonians found benefits. http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/845526
Moving for Everyday Life
Another video that demonstrates what you might experience when you participate in ongoing classes or lessons in The F-e-l-d-e-n-k-r-a-i-s Method.