Touch To Inform Seminar Level II 6 CEs Feet are designed for Stability and Mobility. Feet affect Posture, while Posture affects FEET through-your-feet-feb-12-2017-b
Tag Archives: balance
Your Walking Engine – Discover your Diagonals
Get to know your Walking Engine! Moving your torso helps you sense how much power you can have behind your WALK. walking-engine-feb-2017-c
Unconscious habits can prematurely AGE us.
Dr. Frank Wildman, author of Change Your Age offers a video explaining how old we can get before our time: The beginning is PRICELESS!
The Brain That Changes Itself
2008 Norman Doidge, M.D., wrote the book The Brain that Changes Itself. The following is the Documentary of some stories in this book.
Self-Discovery supports memory
Does one remember better through memorization techniques or insight? The following study explores the above question, something Moshe Feldenkrais, D.Sc. believed to be true years ago as he observed children developing their patterns of action. He designed Awareness Through Movement lessons so you had to think your way through and discover new ‘insights’ to how […]
Feldenkrais and Horseback Riding
Principles of awareness and finding your center or core is applicaple to everyday walking — and for walking ‘with’ the horse. To Read more
Moving from and through Your CORE
3/28/2017 “Thank you again for a great workshop. Every time I learn new ways of teaching yoga poses and a better understanding of the total body.” Review from: Seminar, Sunday, June 19th 10:00-5:00 at Living Room Yoga in St. Petersburg, FL 6 CEs for LMTs The Feldenkrais Method® is about helping you find ways […]

Feldenkrais and Parkinson’s
Research is always ongoing and the benefits of the Feldenkrais Method is often elusive. With that, in this study, many Parkinsonians found benefits.
Moving for Everyday Life
Another video that demonstrates what you might experience when you participate in ongoing classes or lessons in The F-e-l-d-e-n-k-r-a-i-s Method.

The objective in a Feldenkrais’ Awareness Through Movement® class/lesson is NOT to achieve the action or task right away but to use your ability to sense and discern differences so you clarify how you can move in a sequential, naturally integrated way. Part of the learning is to pause before you act so you can […]