Research is always ongoing and the benefits of the Feldenkrais Method is often elusive. With that, in this study, many Parkinsonians found benefits.

Research is always ongoing and the benefits of the Feldenkrais Method is often elusive. With that, in this study, many Parkinsonians found benefits.
Another video that demonstrates what you might experience when you participate in ongoing classes or lessons in The F-e-l-d-e-n-k-r-a-i-s Method.
Let me remind everyone — I love taking Yoga classes. The following is a recent article written by a colleague, but describes eloquently experiences that were so similar to mine almost 40 years ago — when… Please take time to read about her somatic experience.
video — how well can you spell??
What’s New SRQ – May 11th, 2016 with Bonnie Kissam and Liz Alpert
New video of how one person has worked to prevent limitations with M.S.
Walking with Feldenkrais video with Andrew Gibbons Your Walking Engine — Seminar Saturday February 10, 2018 from 9:30-5:00 at Ionie’s, Sarasota visit
Anat has created a workshop for Parents and their children with Special Needs to be held again in September 2016. View information and a video of testimonials
In Sarasota: Wednesday May 11th at 2:00 pm I will be speaking with Melinda Lee’s AGELESS IN SARASOTA show on WSRQ 106.9FM 1220AM IF you can listen, please call in and be a part of the show and make comments or ask questions!! Call in at 941-373-1220 Monday Evening, May 16th from 6:30-8:30 I will be presenting at […]
Feldenkrais in Sarasota – Bonnie Kissam M.A. – News & Upcoming Classes and Events HOME | MOSHE FELDENKRAIS | ANAT BANIEL | BONNIE KISSAM | CLASSES | SEMINARS | CALENDAR International Feldenkrais Week In May the International Feldenkrais Community Celebrates Moshe! In Sarasota: Wednesday May 11th at 2:00 pm I will be speaking with Melinda Lee’s AGELESS IN SARASOTA show on WSRQ 106.9FM 1220AM IF you can listen, please call […]