I look at the Feldenkrais Method as a place to slow down, reflect on habitual thoughts as well as ways to feel more comfortable as I move. As tensions melt away through discovering new possible actions, I find I can do more with less effort. However, I know that I need to do less to […]
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RSS feed for this sectionUnconscious habits can prematurely AGE us.
Dr. Frank Wildman, author of Change Your Age offers a video explaining how old we can get before our time: The beginning is PRICELESS!
Efficiency in Everyday Movements.
Your Walking Engine is a Seminar has unique ideas for everyone. We all walk, so how important is it to you to be efficient when you walk? Many walk or run for cardiovascular health but then what does it do for the long term health of your back, knees, hips and FEET? Are you interested […]
An interesting Effortless Golf Swing —
View post on imgur.com My program helps with the flexibility — skill you are on your own!!
Ben Gurion, Robert St. John, Moshe Feldenkrais, D. Sc.
There is a famous picture of Ben-Gurion, Prime Minister of Israel 1948-54 and 1955-63, standing on his head. Robert St. John in his Biography of Ben-Gurion, talks about the headstand on the beach as a visible result of his everyday appointments with Dr. Feldenkrais. Ben-Gurion’s wife called Feldenkrais Dr. Hocus Pocus (due to his non-traditional […]

Grace & Agility as we Age — made simple!
GRACEFUL AGING made easy http://www.huffingtonpost.com/cynthia-allen/7-moves-you-need-for-grac_b_12774608.html?
The Brain That Changes Itself
2008 Norman Doidge, M.D., wrote the book The Brain that Changes Itself. The following is the Documentary of some stories in this book.
The Brain’s Way of Healing
Documentary video of Norman Doidge’s book The Brain’s Way of Healing. The last bit is about potential of The Feldenkrais Method® (at 34 minutes -total 44 minutes). The Nature Of Things The Brain’s Way of Healing Season 56 Episode 4 Full Episode
Self-Discovery supports memory
Does one remember better through memorization techniques or insight? The following study explores the above question, something Moshe Feldenkrais, D.Sc. believed to be true years ago as he observed children developing their patterns of action. He designed Awareness Through Movement lessons so you had to think your way through and discover new ‘insights’ to how […]
Crawl for Fitness, Fun, Re-alignment and Balance!
Tim Anderson, long time Fitness Guru writes: Crawling is the New Plank! I am delighted to see someone suggesting these basic movements besides myself and my colleagues. On the other hand, I think of crawling as a review of optimal organization — that organization we had that allowed crawling to be effortless in our first […]