1978 Quest Article about a personal experience with Moshe Feldenkrais written by Charles Fox. Fox quotes Moshe; “When people think of being cured,” he said, ” they think only of being as they were before. We don’t go back. You become a great deal better than you were before. It’s up to you.” Read Article
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RSS feed for this sectionHealing Quest: Feldenkrais Achieves What Medicine Could Not
An inspirational story about the body’s ability to teach the brain. A baby born 20 years ago without a third of her cerebellum was given a grim prognosis by medical doctors: she could never walk or talk. Now the young woman enjoys a nearly normal life and is a college student.She and her family attribute […]
The Feldenkrais® Institute of NY
www.feldenkraisinstitute.com This was filmed at David Zemach-Bersin’s Feldenkrais Training Program in Montclair, NJ in 2001. The Feldenkrais Institute of NY (in Manhattan) is the largest center in North America devoted to the work of Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais.
What is the Feldenkrais Method®?
In this Feldenkrais video students of the method describe how it has enriched and changed their lives.
I love this: A Play on Words — using Reversibility — a main principle in The Feldenkrais® Method.
Feldenkrais® for Horse Riders
Did you know that stiffness, imbalance and discomfort in your body could be causing the same in your horse? Many riders are finding more ease and comfort in their riding through The Feldenkrais® Method. Enjoy the following articles and video to learn how you can use The Feldenkrais® Method to make your riding experience more relaxed, comfortable and […]
Testimonials for The Feldenkrais Method®
Testimonials for The Feldenkrais® Method – a great video introduction to the method and the potential it holds!