It was brought to my attention that everyone studying Feldenkrais or taking a Feldenkrais Class should have required reading of the Chapter in Norman Doidge’s latest book, The Brain’s Way of Healing, Voila — the chapter is on my website! Please take the time to read!
Archive | Classic Articles
RSS feed for this sectionBen Gurion, Robert St. John, Moshe Feldenkrais, D. Sc.
There is a famous picture of Ben-Gurion, Prime Minister of Israel 1948-54 and 1955-63, standing on his head. Robert St. John in his Biography of Ben-Gurion, talks about the headstand on the beach as a visible result of his everyday appointments with Dr. Feldenkrais. Ben-Gurion’s wife called Feldenkrais Dr. Hocus Pocus (due to his non-traditional […]
Functional Integration A Literal Position Statement
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The Feldenkrais Phenomenon
1978 Quest Article about a personal experience with Moshe Feldenkrais written by Charles Fox. Fox quotes Moshe; “When people think of being cured,” he said, ” they think only of being as they were before. We don’t go back. You become a great deal better than you were before. It’s up to you.” Read Article