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Information from Sensory Nerves vs Motor Nerves
Bonnie B Cohen is a brilliant lady who describes in this video why we are inhibited from ‘learning’ when we are working to ‘get it’ . Learning comes in from the back door!
Looking for variations enhance learning
Washington Post Article: Researchers have discovered a much faster way to learn new skills. “For skills to improve, we must update an existing memory with new information,” the researchers conclude. If you practice the exact same thing the exact same way every time, you’re not layering much new knowledge over what you already know. But, the […]
Anat Baniel: “You have to go slow … think fast, go slow”
” We need to first connect with the child.” Since we have been at home and Virtual rooms have become our way of connection, Anat Baniel’s Method for NeuroMovement’s created a new program working with parents in ways they can help their child. Through Your Hands. I love the answer Anat Baniel gives in this […]
Ribs in Breathing — Side bend evenly !
For breathing our ribs need to expand to create the negative space volume required for O2 to rush in. How did this come to be? A new report has suggested that as humans evolved it was side bending that began to create the space so that lungs in our chest began to develop. Develop more […]
Neuroplasticity–Norman Doidge interview Moshe Feldenkrais
Norman Doidge, MD, talks about Moshe Feldenkrais, D. Sc.
Process for learning! in Moshe’s words!!
Sometimes one needs to EXPERIENCE this work before you can understand the words. I decided to post this in this blog to help those who are ready for a more ’empowered’ experience of themselves, The process of learning through Feldenkrais Movement Lessons in Moshe Feldenkrais’s own words: To begin with, the lessons take place in the […]
“Why not improve as we age?”
Dr. Michael Merzenich supports Anat Baniel’s way of helping people move forward. Our brains can change our actions. Neuroplasticity. Our brain is open to revision. He asks, “Why not improve as you age?” “Your brain is looking for action.” The question we want to ask is: “How can I be stronger and more complete and […]
Learn to LISTEN and Attend to Movements -a process
Awareness Through Movement — asks you to move — but with ATTENTION. It is a process of learning to listen to how you move your arms and pay attention more to what else is involved in the action. Once you learn to enjoy this process — you slow down to enrich your journey
Collaborating Yoga and The Feldenkrais Method®
Two nice articles of how YogaPractice and The Feldenkrais Method® work differently and yet together. Personally, I find my practice of Yoga enriched through my experience with the process I love, learning to listen, create subtle variations, be willing to do less until I am clear of the instruction or posture requested of me in […]