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I recently came across the following article that seemed so connected to the TOUCH TO INFORM seminar I teach Moving from and Through your FEET where I say the foot is designed for stability and mobility..  



The objective in a Feldenkrais’ Awareness Through Movement® class/lesson is NOT to achieve the action or task right away but to use your ability to sense and discern differences so you clarify how you can move in a sequential, naturally integrated way. Part of the learning is to pause before you act so you can […]

Moving from and Through Your FEET

TOUCH TO INFORM Seminar  April 3, 2016 in St.Petersburg from 10:00-5:00 Moving from and Through Your FEET! How are your feet doing?  How friendly are you to your FEET? FEET Support stability and mobility.  At the same time, your posture affects your FEET! Touch to Inform Seminars are designed to support Therapists and Coaches how […]

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