Archive by Author

The Feldenkrais Method® and Judo

The Feldenkrais Method’s History has roots from Judo: ***Video of a Judo master– full moves you might get in an advanced Feldenkrais Awareness through Movement Class Video of first assistant Mia talking about their experiences in Japan Story of Kano and Feldenkrais     SEMIOPHYSICS – Interview with Moshe **  for the young and […]

3 Breakthrough Steps for Helping Your Child on the Autism Spectrum

by Anat Baniel Originally published by The Huffington Post 04/13/2012 Recently the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released the alarming statistic that one child out of 88 is diagnosed as having an autism spectrum disorder, a huge increase over the past 10 years.  Are these children doomed?  Absolutely not.  A variety of behavioral therapies and other […]

Neuro-motor Maturity – Immaturity?

When are children ready for school? “Mammals require sensory, emotional and social development before they become adults.”  Sally Goddard Blythe Important article for all Moms, Dads, and educators!!    

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